Ms. Kionna Perry hosted Monday’s call on “The Power of I Am” and dived in with the very words “I AM” and how when spoken the words bring a declaration, a presence & command the existence of the words that follow. The words I AM is about speaking and creating life. Ms. Perry posed the question, “what have you been inviting into your life by saying I AM in vein?” You are able to be the creator of your own world! The book by David Allen, “The Power of I AM” expounds upon how I AM is your power. It is who you are and what you believe to be true. The words that follow I AM is what you will experience and what the Universe will bring to you. By speaking I AM you are claiming and declaring what you say that you are. It is your ability to create! It is the presence of God within! Only you can speak the words I AM, & that which follows. Ms. Perry shared her own personal journey from 2012 and how “the power of I AM” is what restored her to declare herself anew!
The Women’s Inspiration Circle call on Wednesday was hosted by Ms. Kanika Gilmore and she started the call with sharing you’re your tongue has power. Your tongue can speak life or death. Which will you choose? The power of life. The words after “I am” will connect on them. Use your words to bless your today and invite the right words into your life. I am God’s masterpiece and created in his likeness. I am what God says I am. I have amazing potential and can make good choices. Ms. Gilmore mentioned that you should believe who God says that you are and live like you believe those things. Don’t confess lies but rather your faith so you can change the way you think and live. Start your day with confessing these truths.
Friday’s call was hosted by Ms. Tiffany Prince and she focused on the powerful words, “I am that I am.” We are a mixture of a bunch of different identities. These identities have emerged for many different seasons and every single one is pulling upon us for its survival. We are actually wired to know when we are on the right track in life – “I am that I am.” Ms. Prince reminded the group to be careful because everything that you tie to “I am” you are creating movement. For example, “I am broke” means this is how you will stay. Instead say, “I am whole” so that you can move energy into your life. Three simple steps that will allow you to access the power of “I am” daily: 1) imagine what you want to have; 2) repeat the words, “I am that I am and;” 3) control breathing. Finally, Ms. Price encouraged everyone to create “I am” statements by sitting in front of the mirror, close your eyes, look at yourself and then jot down what comes to you. After 24 hours then cross out all negative comments.
If you missed any of the calls this week or you’re interested in recapping some great inspiration, feel free to playback the calls at your convenience!
Playback number: 605-477-3099
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Reference numbers: Monday- 142, Wed-143, Fri-144