Week 18 Embracing Change

There are two things guaranteed to happen in life — change and death. Ms. Kionna Perry, shared on Monday’s call this drastic but very true statement on “Embracing Change.” Ms. Perry shared many transparent moments regarding motherhood and this being “on the job training.” She highlighted there were extreme challenges in grasping a pattern and acknowledged there was not a blueprint provided for motherhood. When you really think about it, there is not a blueprint for any situation in life.

When you experience extreme changes, this leads to growth which might sometimes be uncomfortable. However, this is a part of development. There can also be pain associated with change. But be willing to change and take this step by step so that this will become a habit! Remember your change can lead to growth and empower you to do and be more!

Finally, Ms. Perry concluded with discussing the metamorphosis of a caterpillar to a butterfly. This is a beautiful process and shows growth and evolution.

Why Change Is Always Scary And How To Embrace Change



Charles Darwin


“I really do not like change!” Ms. Kanika Gilmore hosted the call on Wednesday and started with this honest statement in sharing a personal story dealing with change. However, she also recognized that change is a part of life and you can always derive something out of change. Realize that nothing last forever but remember the best way to go through the struggle is to know that change is a part of it. When you find yourself going through change, there are positive ways to handle it. Make your response to it an affirmation. Change can be a beautiful thing but it is one aspect of life that people resist.

Ms. Gilmore encouraged the group to know that change is a part of your purpose in life! It’s not uncommon to resist change because things might not go the way we expected or anticipated. But see change as an opportunity to react. Remember that people have gone through similar changes in life so you are not alone. And you never know how you can encourage and support someone in their “change process!”

Embracing Change

Embracing Life

Embrace Change In 4 Easy Steps

How Can I Learn To Embrace Change


Ms. Tiffany Prince, hosted the call on Friday and shared a quote by Bill Clinton, “the price of doing the same old thing is far higher than the price of change.” There is nothing more constant than change. Why do we fear it? We fear it because we are more comfortable in what we are doing rather than finding a way to adjust. Just remember if you are going through change — and this too shall pass! Learn to enjoy the good times while you, and the not so good times are only temporary. The light will appear at the end of the tunnel but you must be patient.

Ms. Prince posed the question to the group, “why are you resistant when change comes?” Reprogram yourself to say what if it does work versus what if it does not work. Take a moment to look at the change as an opportunity to grow. Change almost always leads to something good. It might not happen overnight but remember to embrace the opportunity. Finally, Ms. Prince shared a personal testimony of her experience with change in moving to a different location. The rose bud was able to be in full bloom by simply saying yes to change!

10 Ways To Embrace Change

Embracing Change

Embracing Change 1

Embracing Change 2

Embracing Change 3

Embracing Change 4

If you missed any of the calls this week or you’re interested in recapping some great inspiration, feel free to playback the calls at your convenience!

Playback number: 605-477-3099
Access code: 1063557#
Reference numbers: Monday- 124, Wed-125, Fri-126

Week 17 Keeping The Spark For Life

Ms. Kionna Perry hosted Monday’s call and started with the thought that far too often in life we get stuck in a rut and just go through the motions. Often times you can be accustomed to living this way. However, Ms. Perry encouraged the group to live life and enjoy it fully! There are signs that you might be missing your spark for life which includes a major lack of motivation; chronic moodiness and; the feeling of boredom or a lack of inspiration. There are circumstances that you might experience in life between work, children, and your spouse that can impact your spark. It’s imperative that if you are exhibiting any of these signs or similar expenses, then confront it head on so you can get that spark back in your life.

Finally, Ms. Perry shared with the group there is one thing that you can do that is simple to get that spark back. What is it? Simply by doing one thing which is creating a desire in life. This could range from learning something new; engaging in a new hobby; connecting with positive friends and; traveling. Learn how to create pleasure, joy, and fulfillment in life! It is important that you think about yourself. You owe it to yourself to enjoy life!

17 Tips On How To Invite Passion And Inspiration Back Into Your Life


Spark Pic 1


On Wednesday’s call with Ms. Kanika Gilmore, the Circle was encouraged to do something outrageous and that people would not expect. Ms. Gilmore shared the story of an elderly woman who made it a practice to do one outrageous thing per week. The group was provided with some valuable nuggets on the power of hope! Hope might just be glimmer but it’s always there. You have to make hope shine bright in your life. Don’t you want to lead a hopeful life that you can love? Make decisions with your head and not your heart. The life you love requires maintenance. Get people to share your dreams and find someone that has a similar goal or dream.

Ms. Gilmore shared you have to spark fire in your heart. Find that light which is strength. Believe in yourself even when it might hurt. Let go of what you can’t control, some things can cause unnecessary grief. Remember the obstacles we face are for a reason. This time that you have right now matters!

Ms. Gilmore shared from Joyce Meyer’s, “Confident Woman” and Melissa Alvarez’s “365 Ways to Raise Your Frequency.” Step out of your comfort zone, it’s easy to stay there but step out. Get out and push yourself. Force yourself to do something different.

Motivational Words To Spark Fire In Your Heart




Spark Blog Pic

Ms. Tiffany Prince, hosted the call on Friday and shared a story about a man who went from bankrupt to making $20 million in 18 months. How did he do this? Well he changed his mindset…a spirit of maturity. Ms. Price shared about living a caged life where you feel like you are stuck by your current circumstances or others expectations of you. When you are in a cage, you literally pace back and forth. Over a period of time the caged life has a feel and look.

Ms. Prince shared thoughts from her own personal journey. Her lifestyle had begun mundane and was falling apart. She felt like a dead woman walking and that her desires were put on hold. Her family’s desires had come before her own. She shares her own spark for life came because she knew there was something better. Her life coach was also instrumental in reawakening that spark. A mind set shift is important. We have to make a different decision of who we are going to be and what we want in life. We have to constantly make the change and bring the spark back to our lives. Work will answer on the other side of opportunity.
You are not in this alone, we can all help each other!


If you missed any of the calls this week or you’re interested in recapping some great inspiration, feel free to playback the calls at your convenience!

Playback number: 605-477-3099
Access code: 1063557#
Reference numbers: Monday- 121, Wed-122, Fri-123